We believe first and foremost that God loves all people and that we are called to go into all areas of culture and introduce the love of Jesus. We are Passionate to reach the next person for Jesus. God’s Love demonstrated to us thru the sacrifice of His son while we were still sinners, motivates us to embody grace, love and hope to a lost and dying world.
We believe that Christians are called to to create a culture of Faith, Hope, & Love and that all starts within our four walls and extends to our daily lives at home, work and our social circles. At Hillside all people are welcome in our community. You don’t have to believe to belong.
At Hillside Church we are passionate in our pursuit of our Savior Jesus. We are more than a gathering of people there to observe a service. We come together to meet with God through prayer, worship & The word and to see Him become real in our community beyond religion. We believe in the Spirit of God among us manifesting thru The Holy Spirit.